How Local Governments Communicate with the Public may Change with New Law

02/25/2011 Advertising legal notices of meetings, bids, job openings and other information that the public sees in newspapers may soon stop. This developed as the Legislature is poised to allow local government to publish similar information in government websites. Newspaper executives, as well as some government officials said they are worried the public might miss […]

Verizon Communications Fires First Shot Against FCC Net Neutrality Rules

02/25/2011 The new Net neutrality rule of the Federal Communications Commission is being legally challenged by Verizon Communications. The communications giant has filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals challenging the Report and Order of the FCC on the rules regarding the issue of Net neutrality. Verizon’s senior vice president and deputy counsel, […]

Auto Service Contract Telemarketing Ideas Released by Missouri Attorney General

02/25/2011 A set of recommendations aimed at overhauling the auto service contract telemarketing industry has been released by the Attorney General of Missouri, Chris Koster. Among his recommendations include requiring licenses for contract sellers, as well as implementing tougher protections. These would increase the awareness of consumers on the type of repairs that the policy […]

Immigration Bill Revision Encourages Advocates

2/25/2011 Florida State Rep. William Snyder has announced that some sections of his proposed bill, which could radically alter and amplify Florida’s immigration enforcement, have been changed. This was revealed by Snyder during a meeting with immigrant advocates. The proposed bill, which seeks to duplicate Arizona immigration laws, has been meeting a lot of criticisms, […]