Readership in Print vs. Digital

We choose Print! The majority of readers prefer print over digital. Readers feel that printed media is easier to read than digital. Readers feel much more comfortable having something on paper than on a digital screen. As humans we associate things that we can touch and feel as things that are real rather than something […]

Engraving Inks

Staying green with Engraving Inks Print customer’s are now becoming very interested in ways to stay green. From the choice of environmentally friendly paper, such as cotton paper, to the choice of  inks.  Engraving inks are becoming very popular, they are as green as it gets in printing. Choosing to use engraving on cotton paper […]

Proposed Measure Aims to Reform the Dairy Labor Law

5/23/2011 One of the issues that have long been hounding dairy farmers is labor. Nevertheless, the congressional delegation of Vermont is seeking to lighten some of that pressure with modifications to the federal guest worker policy. As of now, guest workers are limited to a one-year visa, and dairy farms, which are classified as non-seasonal […]

Brothels Included by Nevada Lawmakers in Tax on Services Bill

5/23/2011   The oldest profession in the world could be subject to the newest tax measure in Nevada if Democratic state legislators have their way. In an attempt to fund government services during a lingering recession, the Democrats are proposing a 1% tax on services, including those being offered at the legal brothels in Nevada. […]